Sunday, November 1, 2009

Promote Your Business through a Directory Submission Service

It is said that the best and most affordable way wherein a website owner can increase the back links of their sites, is through directory submission. This process is one of the important aspects in the link building approach and is widely used to improve search engine ranking. The directory listing helps generate more traffic, and therefore increases the number of clients visiting your site.  Using an expert directory submission service will enable you to find the right directories, which perfectly meet the theme of your website.

These directory services are a great way of promoting a website, which has just been created.  It is important not to submit the same web URL more than once and not to hide your listings either. It is a good idea for a website owner to stick with manual submission, since it’s possible that automatic submissions may be banned if there is a use of repetitive content or instances of errors. It is also important that the same title, description, and keywords are not used over again. If this takes place, all of the sites which have the specific link going to your site; will show the exact information. It may seem that the information is unnatural and search engines will definitely find the repetitive text.  On this note, only submit to directories that are cached, indexed and search engine- friendly.

However, before submitting your site to a directory, it is important to do keyword research. Create title ad descriptions for your listing so that they are keyword rich and choose the keywords that fit your business/niche.  Making use of multiple title and keywords will help maximize the benefits of SEO, but with the help of a directory submission service; all of this can be out of your hands and in the experts’ instead.  Also keep in mind that there is a niche directory submission service that can be very beneficial.  They offer you with quality, as well as specialized links and you will get heavy traffic from these directories, in addition to quality one way links. The latter will also increase your ranking in the popular search engines.

Once your website has been listed correctly in the various directories, search engines will begin to automatically crawl and index your site. Before submitting though, do a run through, to be sure that your site is not already listed. Every directory acts in different ways and views contents, as well as format differently. Knowing their set of rules or guidelines will surely be beneficial.

It is best to submit to directories which have a high page rank and have high quality traffic. Niche directories; normally have sub categories which have the sites within the main subject area.  This is a benefit for the everyday internet user. Remember that the older directories have a more popular and trusted reputation of the major search engines. They also have a bigger human base; however if you do not want to do deal with any of this on your own, then it is best to acquire a directory submission service from the professional.

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