Monday, December 21, 2009

What Can Webmaster Tools, Software And Scripts Do For Your Website?

There are any number of different webmaster tools, software and scripts available on the internet today, ranging from the very useful to those that you simply can't work out what they do.  But the best webmaster tools allow for a huge amount of flexibility, functionality and 'stickiness' to be added to your website.

Whilst the question 'what can they do for me' is a fair question, it is also a very broad one that is difficult to answer – what can't they do for you?  But let us try break the question down for you, so that you can understand the power of certain types of webmaster tools and just how they can improve your own website.


Firstly webmaster tools can be used to increase traffic to your site by a number of different methods.  Tools can be bought that helps you bring in content from RSS feeds – meaning your page is constantly updating, which is something that search engines such as Google love – allowing for much more by way of organic search traffic.

They can allow for better organization of keywords, tagging, categories etc.  They can 'ping' different portals and search engines for you.  They can post your updated pages onto different forums and social media sites.  The right webmaster tools can bring in a lot of traffic, and of course an increase in traffic often means an increase in sales.

Stickiness and functionality

Of course traffic is all well and good, but you want that traffic to stay onsite and perform the actions you want them to – and ideally keep coming back for more.  Webmaster tools can help you there too.

Scripts are available that can translate your page into other languages – engaging users in the language that they want and increasing your audience exponentially.

You can buy scripts that allow comments to be easily added (whilst fighting off spam commenting) to the site, meaning people start feeling part of the 'conversation' of the site and come back for replies.

There are scripts available to easily add video, which has been proven to engage viewers far more readily than static sites do.

Other tools can bring your sign up form right in front of the visitor as a popup, or have it scroll across the screen inviting the viewer to sign up for a newsletter for freebie – dramatically increasing your conversion ratio.


If you deal in digital products that are available for download, security can be a real issue.  People may well buy the product to get your link – and then pass it along to hundreds of other people who will also download, costing you a lot of money.  The right webmaster tool can stop this from happening.

As you can see there are a myriad of uses that webmaster tools can be put to, and we have only scratched the surface here.  If you are looking to add functionality, security and traffic and increase sales or sign ups on your website, make sure you are using the right webmaster tools.

Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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